stimmt, ich z.B. setze selten welche. kein wunder, wenn ich daran denke, wie häufig ich mir irgendwelche URLs merken oder bookmarken will. das endet in einer bookmarkliste, die zu lang und unübersichtlich ist, als das sie noch nutzen bringt. deshalb scheinen die leute bookmarks auch immer weniger zu nutzen und sich drauf zu verlassen, dass sie die interessanten seiten mit google schon wiederfinden. New Ways to Revisit Web Sites
William Jones, a research associate professor at the Information School at the University of Washington, says that bookmark lists have become "information closets" that hold a jumble of sites people never return to. Only hyperorganized users sort sites into folders, clean out dead links or click on inscrutable addresses to figure out why they were bookmarked in the first place....
Instead, some people try to keep track of Web sites by sending themselves an e-mail message with the link and a note of why it might be useful. Others print pages or use sticky notes. Some people, the researchers found, make no attempt to save a page, counting on being able to find it again with a search engine.
When the researchers looked at how people returned to sites they had visited before, they discovered that context made all the difference. When subjects in their study had the chance to describe a site in their own words and were given the description six months later, they had little trouble finding the site again. Yet in today's typical bookmark applications, users cannot annotate sites they save.
Good search engines may eliminate the need for bookmarks or home-made filing systems altogether, according to these researchers.
wollen nur hoffen, dass uns das richtige schlagwort wieder einfällt!
noch besser ist natürlich die alternative, bookmarks im blog abzulegen und ein paar notizen dazu zu schreiben ...
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